F A Qs

FAQs about our BPO company and activities

Find answers to your questions about our company and services


In what area is Tilyanpristka engaged?

We are a finance accounting consultant and BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) provider in payroll, accounting, bookkeeping, tax administration compliance, and application of its related business technology.

We are very concerned about the never-ending regulatory changes that are taking place in this area.

We are a member of Santa Fe Associates International, a global network of independent auditing and consulting firms.

Why does Tilyanpristka cooperate with technology-based companies a lot?

We have long realized that we can add more value to our consulting services and business process outsourcing with digital transformation. Since 2012 we have been managing our own data center until in 2019 we were able to implement our own portal for clients. In order to provide the latest features in accordance with the development of business technology, we collaborate with several technology-based companies, from online accounting companies to cybersecurity platforms for web-based applications.

How and where Tilyanpristka stores all client data

Since 2012 we have managed our own data center of sufficient scale to address the growing needs of the client's business, particularly our business process outsourcing activities.

Is the data center fully owned, deployed and managed by Tilyanpristka?

Yes, the data center is owned by us, located in our office (Jakarta, Indonesia) and public cloud (Singapore), and managed by internal employees of PT Tilyanpristka.

How does Tilyanpristka maintain IT infrastructure?

We develop and update applications for data storage and processing availability and perform several security tests regularly.

What is SFAI (Santa Fe Associates International) ?

SFAI is an international network of independent auditing and consulting firms. PT Tilyanpristka is the leading partner that has joined since April 2018. The quality of our business activities is required to comply with the standards of this international network of independent audit firms and consultants. In 2023 SFAI is ranked 18th in the world as an international network of independent audit and consulting firms - International Accounting Bulletin, IAB-642, World Survey 2023 edition.

Can Tilyanpristka perform audits?

No, but the Public Accounting Firm can apply for cooperation with PT Tilyanpristka to carry out its audit activities under the banner of SFAI Indonesia. Currently Kantor Akuntan Publik Hendry, Ferdy, dan Rekan is our audit firm partner for SFAI Indonesia

What company scale is Tilyanpristka's service targeting?

Small and medium-sized companies are our target market. But with our international capabilities and network, we open our services to large companies and foreign investment.

What is the nature of the contract between the client and Tilyanpristka?

The engagement contract between the client and the company is made for a period of 1 year, and after that, it can be extended. Within that period, our professional assignments and fees will not change according to the content of the original proposal. Any changes to the assignment will be stated in the form of an addendum that will affect the professional fees that have been previously determined.

Can I migrate/move my service/data from another provider?

Yes, you can move from your previous vendor to our services. We will happily help you with the prior vendor's service migration process for a smooth handover.

Do you accept digital signatures?

Yes, we currently accept DocuSign as a vendor for digital signatures in engagement contracts. However, we do not rule out the use of other vendors by clients.


How is the data collection for the payroll process?

In addition to email, we have a portal for each client to place their important files. With the level access feature, clients can determine who has the right to access a folder or file within the company.

Does the client need an internal finance manager in the accounting and bookkeeping business process outsourcing activities?

A financial manager will be more effective if it is aimed at the company's strategic activities than managing its administrative matters.

Who can help support the use of this business process outsourcing service is someone who can be trusted in managing document administration to be submitted to Tilyanpristka for further processing into a report.

How does Tilyanpristka handle communication with clients in daily BPO activities?

In our service, each client will be assigned a person in charge. Communication can be done every working day, either by email, public chat applications, or within our Digital Client Platform which already has live chat and video features.

Can Tilyanpristks accommodate (input data) if the client has used certain software in their business processes?

Yes, we have experience with bookkeeping and accounting software to ERP on the market. However, particular training is required during setup if we haven't used it before.

What if the client want to change or even don't have any accounting software yet?

The Digital Client Platform also offers the same functionality as other bookkeeping and accounting software for free for up to 3 users (the PIC involved in BPO activities between the client and Tilyanpristka). However, to access this platform, additional applications on smartphones must be installed.

If the client already has a standard chart of account (COA), can it be applied to the Digital Client Platform?

Yes, we will use the account number that has been applied to the client's books. In fact, we can do more if in the future the report aims to be consolidated into the parent company's financial statements.

Can my company request a service custom plan?

Yes, this is our difference from other vendors. In addition to the custom services you need, you can even minorly customize your account in the Digital Client Platform to better support your company's bookkeeping and accounting business processes.

Digital Client Platform

What is a Digital Client Platform?

It is an application that is used internally by us in storing and processing client reports. Clients can also access this application to view reports and access files related to outsourced activities.

Where does Tilyanpristka store its platform files or databases?

We own and maintain our servers for this need. We also carry out regular file and database backups.

What is the price charged for using the Digital Client Platform?

Clients can use this application for free up to 3 users (related to the outsourcing activity used). The user does not belong to the "employee" role in payroll outsourcing.

Do I have to install the additional DUO application on the smartphone to use the portal and other web applications?

We require portal users, both person in charge of business process outsourcing activities and employees (in payroll outsourcing services), to install additional security features on your smartphone.

Is the platform able to meet the software requirements for BPO services?

Yes, our application is able to meet the needs of the business process outsourcing activities that you use.

Can the features in the platform be customized for specific client needs?

Yes, minor adjustments (report and document formats) are possible and free of charge. However, minor functional adjustments and modifications related to business processes require further discussion between client and IT team.